Love & Intimacy

Marriage statistics can be down right depressing! Just 2 years ago, Life Innovations published in their newsletter that 90% of people get married once, but the “average” divorce rate continues to be 50% and rises significantly higher with subsequent marriages; less than half of all couples will celebrate their 25th anniversary and the 7-year itch…

Danger: Fear Ahead!!

Eileen’s face lit up when she spoke of her courtship with her husband Steve. “He was so tall and handsome and I was so in love. When he would put his arms around me, I knew that nothing could hurt me.” After they married, the relationship grew to be strong and supportive. “Steve was somewhat…

Communicating Love

“Hubba, Hubba”! A female marriage counseling client said it best I think. We were discussing God’s original intention for marriage. We already know what Adam actually said when God brought Eve to him based on Genesis 2:22-24. But what do you imagine he first thought when he woke up and God presented to him this…

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is a strange phenomenon that can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt. Rather than make life more pleasant it almost always adds stress, disorganization, and frequent failure. The process has been described as: (1) wanting to achieve some outcome, usually something the procrastinator and others value and respect–“I’ve gotto start.” (2)…