Negative Response To Fear

Healthcare professionals use terms like fear, anxiety, panic attack, and phobia to illum-inate the spectrum of our fears. For our purposes, we will use fear and anxietysomewhat interchangeably but with the following distinctions. Fear is an immediate and intense internal alarm system that alerts us to the presence of danger. It revs up our whole…

Spiritually Speaking The Gift!

It is almost impossible to go into the Christmas season without thinking about the gift! Most will think long and hard on what they will give to their family, friends and even business associates. Some will plan the budget carefully. Others will painstakingly coordinate their shopping route in order to find the best bargains and…

Love & Intimacy

Marriage statistics can be down right depressing! Just 2 years ago, Life Innovations published in their newsletter that 90% of people get married once, but the “average” divorce rate continues to be 50% and rises significantly higher with subsequent marriages; less than half of all couples will celebrate their 25th anniversary and the 7-year itch…

Danger: Fear Ahead!!

Eileen’s face lit up when she spoke of her courtship with her husband Steve. “He was so tall and handsome and I was so in love. When he would put his arms around me, I knew that nothing could hurt me.” After they married, the relationship grew to be strong and supportive. “Steve was somewhat…