PRESENT Colin A. Ross, M.D. and Melissa Engle, MS, ATR, LPC                                          TRAUMA MODEL THERAPY FOR ADDICTIONS AND COMPLEX COMORBIDITY                                    Lunch + 4 CEUs December 7, 2018 10:00am-3:00pm 101 E. Park Blvd. Conference Suite 115 Plano,…

Grief and Loss

When we suffer the loss of someone, whether it is death, a break up, or fracture in a relationship, there are stages that we need to go through in order to effectively process that loss. Grief takes on many different formats; it can be tears, anger, or denial, before the acceptance and hope begin to…

Identifying and Facing the Giants that are Panic and Panic Attacks

There are countless individuals who suffer from panic and panic attacks. Many suffer in silence due to feelings of shame, pride, or inadequacy, but these anxiety issues are nothing to leave in the dark or be swept under the rug. Panic attacks can not only be frightening but can also become paralyzing for some individuals, leaving them…

Overcoming Infidelity and Other Relationship Obstacles

Infidelity can strike any relationship… New or old, married or unwed, no relationship is immune. However, the reality is that most people who step out of their marriage or relationship, still love and care for the person they strayed from. A Lack of communication and support, not being understanding towards one another, and failing to meet…