Mental Health: Empowering Domestic Abuse Survivors

A survivor of domestic abuse can struggle when establishing a new life. Even when free from her abuser, a former victim frequently suffers from low self-esteem, fear and hopelessness. Mental Health therapy can help her fully recover from the ill-treatment she has endured to become whole as an empowered person. Often therapy involves the abuse victim working…

Why Marriage Counseling Isn’t Just for Bad Times

We often think that marriage counseling is just for times when divorce might be the next step after serious issues arise and while this is true, counseling can serve as a preventative measure so that small problems don’t become big ones. When you get counseling periodically throughout the year, you save your marriage and maintain…

Coping With Change? Examples That May Warrant Adolescent Therapy

Life is hard sometimes. We learn to adapt and change as we go. It can be daunting for us as adults to cope, but it can be especially difficult for children. Because they aren’t necessarily equipped to manage stress, anxiety or depression, it’s essential to implement adolescent appropriate therapy to help guide children towards the…

4 Signs That Your Anxiety is Controlling You

Anxiety is a tricky, fear-based emotion. It takes many different forms, showing itself in different behaviors often in relation to certain situations. Medical News Today defines anxiety as “a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying.” Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) claims that it is also the most common mental illness in…

Do You Have Depression? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is the definition of depression? The National Institute of Mental Health characterizes depression (also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder), as “a common but serious mood disorder…[that] causes severe symptoms which affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities.” There are many forms of depression (such as postpartum depression, psychotic depression), but one…