The Benefits of Couples Counseling

Let’s face it. The stress in your home is slowly killing you and your spouse. It’s hard to know were to begin to relieve this stress. It has adverse effects on your children, your pets, your co-workers, and even your relatives. Ignoring the marital issues with your spouse only allows them to worsen, sometimes to the point that your home life…

Choosing Satisfying Relationships

I believe Life is all about Relationship! This belief comes from the biblical foundation of God’s ultimate relationship with us, his created. The original design and intention of relationship isseen in principles throughout the Bible-fellowship, community, friendship, social customs, covenants, marriage and in the giving and sharing of ourselves with others. We are actually MADE…

Think Yourself Healthy

“Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the view they take of them.” Epictetus “For as a man thinks within himself, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7 “We are the product of our thinking, so it is important that we choose carefully where to focus our mental energy.” Dr. Charles Stanley Good mental health! It’s a statement…


Conflict. Demands. Fear. Assumptions. Expectations. Time pressures. Pain. Rejection. These are only a few of the components linked to our stress. It seems like everyone has stress, and when it gets out of balance it becomes anxiety, depression, a physical breakdown, a lack of productivity and a loss of enjoyment in life. When our life’s…

Understanding…Self Esteem

Self esteem describes the overall sense of self-worth or personal value in a person. It can involve different beliefs about the self, such as the measuring one’s appearance, beliefs, emotions or behaviors. Sometimes self esteem is viewed as self image, self worth, self respect or the value of one’s self. It can be understood from…

Understanding Forgiveness

“If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.”- Mother Theresa”The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” -Mahatma Gandhi What better time of the year than the Christmas season to ponder forgiveness? After all, humanity’s forgiveness is the reason or result for the coming of Christ. Unfortunately,…


“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” -Reinhold Niebuhr “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -Maria Robinson It is said that change…