Individual Counseling Isn’t Just For People With “Problems”

Sometimes the negative connotations associated with individual counseling deter people from seeking the help that they need.  Counseling isn’t just for people with marital struggles, grief, mental health issues, or family problems; it can be a useful maintenance tool to help prevent issues from happening. Why should you attend counseling? You are struggling in some area…

How an Educational Evaluation Can Help Your Child Succeed

An educational evaluation consists of a series of tests that can help you better understand your child. While the exact tests might vary based on your particular situation, you can usually expect your child to undergo a cognitive assessment (IQ test), an achievement test, and tests that assess the child’s personality and preferences. These tests can…

How Premarital Counseling Can Strengthen Your Marriage

When people think of couples going to counseling sessions together, often what first comes to mind is counseling to help couples who are already having issues or difficulties in their relationships, not couples just contemplating marriage. When a couple is considering marriage, things are usually going pretty well in the relationship. So, instead of focusing…

How Child and Adolescent Therapy Can Be Beneficial

As children grow, both their bodies and their minds go through some pretty amazing changes. These changes can be stressful though and, just like adults handle stress differently, every child deals with these changes a little differently too. In addition to the stresses of going through different growth stages, when environmental factors like divorcing parents,…

7 Good Reasons to Consider Marriage Counseling

Although marriage is a wonderful union between a man and woman, after the “honeymoon phase” wears off and you realize you and your spouse are two imperfect people trying to make it in this world together, you might need to consider marriage counseling. According to an article on, there are seven main reasons couples seek…

The Benefits of Couples Counseling

Let’s face it. The stress in your home is slowly killing you and your spouse. It’s hard to know were to begin to relieve this stress. It has adverse effects on your children, your pets, your co-workers, and even your relatives. Ignoring the marital issues with your spouse only allows them to worsen, sometimes to the point that your home life…

Choosing Satisfying Relationships

I believe Life is all about Relationship! This belief comes from the biblical foundation of God’s ultimate relationship with us, his created. The original design and intention of relationship isseen in principles throughout the Bible-fellowship, community, friendship, social customs, covenants, marriage and in the giving and sharing of ourselves with others. We are actually MADE…